Point-of-care cash and carry dispensing focuses on the generic equivalent of the top 15 to 25 drugs a physician ordinarily prescribes to their patients. With cash and carry dispensing, daily income and cash flow increases and there is no need to adjudicate an insurance claim or to wait for receivables.
The generic drugs, offered by MyRx® re-packagers, are approved by the FDA, have the same active ingredients, and are identical in quality, strength and safety of the brand name drug equivalent with the major difference being low price.
MyRx® provides the highest quality , FDA approved prepackaged medications in “unit of use” quantities as requested by the physician. All of our prepackaged medications are packaged at a VAWD accredited, DEA and FDA approved facility.
MyRx® uses state of the art induction sealing techniques t seal all prepackaged products. Every bottle has a child resistant cap.
Currently, 72% of all drugs filled by pharmacists are generic drugs and this number is expected to reach 80-85% in the coming years as brand name drug patents expire. Now is the time to participate in this growth.
MyRx® offers the industry leading web-based software which provides a complete management solution for your dispensary. Having a dispensing solution means there is no need for your staff to spend countless hours on the phone with patient pharmacies verifying prescriptions or authorizing refills.